Diccionario Esotérico

Muchas veces en www.losarcanos.com usamos términos esotéricos pocos conocidos, ahora con este diccionario de términos esotéricos pretendemos aclarar el conocimiento de cada palabra a que hacemos referencia.

Este diccionario esotérico será incrementado en nuevas actualizaciones, y todo el sitio comenzara a hacer referencia a este diccionario para la comodidad de ustedes.

Entrar al diccionario esotérico.

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Tarot Gratis «Los Arcanos» (Feed)

1 Comment

  • thanks for your pieces of aivcde. I totally agree with you concerning the Less is More. I used to prepare lots of games for my pupils but end up doing 3 or 4 per session. But I really want to ask you about another thing . How can you push the pupils to memeorise what they have learnt in the day.i am facing a hard time since i am teaching in a very distant area ( borders) and pupils are so excited about the language yet they just don’t revise. I Ttried all kinds of techniques however it is useless. This a general case for all the subjects.

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